Sustainable Use of Energy and Resources

The demand for intelligent solutions and innovative technologies in the fields of renewable energies, energy storage and resource management is constantly increasing. The environmental and energy technology sector has a long tradition as an important economic sector in Saxony.

View of the production of photovoltaic modules at SOLARWATT in Dresden (Source: SOLARWATT)

Competence Atlas "Energy Innovations"

The Competence Atlas "Energy Innovations from Saxony" provides a comprehensive overview of Saxony's production, research and development activities in the field of energy technologies with around 200 profiles. A map presents selected players in Saxony and regional priorities.

Competence Atlas "Energy Innovations from Saxony" as ePaper

More Than 46,000 Potential Business Partners

Since 2004, the Saxony Trade & Invest Corporation (WFS - Wirtschaftsförderung Sachsen GmbH) has been operating an online company database. This database currently contains more than 46,000 entries which are maintained and updated by the companies. It is possible, for example, to search the data records for regions, branches, or turnovers.


Find the right partners for your business success.

Die Firmendatenbank Sachsen zeigt Suchergebnisse au einer Google Maps-Karte an. (Screenshot)

Our experts

2024, Matthieu Warzecha, Mitarbeiter, Portrait, Sachsen, Wirtschaftsförderung
© BLEND3 Frank Grätz

Matthieu Warzecha

Industry, Innovation & Marketing

+49-351-2138 243

+49-351-2138 243
Alexandra Gering (Source: WFS)

Alexandra Gering

Investor Services

+49-351-2138 240

+49-351-2138 240