It's All About People

... was the answer given by the head of chip giant AMD when he explained in 1996 why his company was investing in Saxony (today: GLOBALFOUNDRIES Fab 1). Then as now, it is the people who are Saxony's greatest strength. Excellently trained and highly motivated.

Know-how for digital manufacturing processes (Source: Symate GmbH, Dresden)


Facts on the Training of Skilled Workers in Saxony (Source: INSM Education Monitor 2023)

  • Rank 1

    among the education systems of the German federal states
  • 25.1 %

    proportion of engineers among all graduates - top value in Germany
  • 8.7

    engineering graduates per 100 employed engineers (engineering replacement rate) - German peak value
  • 42.6 %

    of all first-year students in STEM subjects - top figure in Germany
Graphic: International education indicators in a country comparison 2023 (Source: OECD, destatis)

Saxony's Workforce Are Bright Minds

Saxony has the brightest minds. The level of education of the employable Saxon population (aged between 25 and 64) is higher than in Germany and in most EU and OECD countries. 93 percent of Saxons have at least a university entrance qualification or have completed vocational training. - The OECD average, for example, is "only" 81 percent.

Top Qualification

Saxony has once again defended first place in a comparison of the education systems of the German federal states in 2023 - now for the eighteenth time in a row! This is according to Bildungsmonitor 2023, a comparative study conducted by the Cologne Institute for Economic Research (IW) on behalf of the Initiative Neue Soziale Marktwirtschaft (INSM). Saxony once again performs very well in most of the 13 fields of action examined. Saxony secured the top position with a total of 63.4 points.

Saxony shows particular strengths in the areas of funding infrastructure, school quality, research orientation and the prevention of educational poverty (1st place in each case).


High all-day rates in daycare centers, Germany's engineering hotbed & more

Know-how for digital manufacturing processes - Symate GmbH, Dresden (Source: Symate)
Chart: Hourly Labor Costs in an EU Wide Comparison (Source: destatis / EuroStat)
Source: destatis / EuroStat

Hourly Labor Costs in an EU Wide Comparison

German employers in the private sector have to expend  41.30 euros for every working hour completed. The labor costs are higher in five countries: Between 42.20 euros and 53.90 euros have to be spent per hour in Luxemburg, Denmark, Belgium, the Netherlands, and France. The average amount in the EU 27 region is 31.80 euros. In Saxony’s private sector, 32.33 euros need to be spent for every working hour completed. 

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Chart: Average Gross Annual Earnings by German Federal State (Source: Berlin-Brandenburg Statistical Office, Calculation Status: August 2023 / February 2024)
Source: Berlin-Brandenburg Statistical Office, Calculation Status: August 2023 / February 2024

Average Gross Annual Earnings by German Federal State

In 2023, the average cross annual earnings per employee (domestic) in Saxony amounted to an average of 40,432 euros. On a German national average, the compensation per employee amounted to 47,064 euros.

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Lippert, Andreas

Andreas Lippert

Investor Services

+49-351-2138 211

+49-351-2138 211