Where professionals are welcome

Saxony is a great place to live: Affordable housing, numerous childcare facilities, a wide range of leisure activities. And an education system that is at the top of its class in Germany.

Children at Dresden International School DIS (Source: WFS / Michael Lange)
Hiking in Saxon Switzerland, view of the Bastei, (Source: Saxon Switzerland Tourist Board / Photo: Sebastian Thiel)


Saxons master their lives with cleverness and commitment, but also with pleasure and joy. How about some tips to immerse yourself into the way of life in Saxony? – Please continue reading!

Chart: Average comparable rents in major German cities (Source: Preisatlas ImmoScout24, Q1 2025)

Good and Affordable Living

In the cities of Dresden and Leipzig in Saxony, rents are significantly lower than the average in other big German cities.

Chart: Cost of Living Index in Major German Cities 2023
Chart: Cost of Living Index in Major German Cities 2023

Affordable Quality of Life

In Saxony's cities and districts, the cost of living is up to 10% below the German average. In the media and trade fair metropolis of Leipzig, for example, you pay almost 30% less for the same basket of goods (including rents) than in Germany's most expensive city, Munich.

Top Qualification

Saxony has once again defended first place in a comparison of the education systems of the German federal states in 2024 - now for the nineteenth time in a row! This is according to Bildungsmonitor 2024, a comparative study conducted by the Cologne Institute for Economic Research (IW) on behalf of the Initiative Neue Soziale Marktwirtschaft (INSM). Saxony once again performs very well in most of the 13 fields of action examined. Saxony secured the top position with a total of 64.1 points.

Saxony shows particular strengths in the areas of funding infrastructure, school quality, research orientation and the prevention of educational poverty (1st place in each case).


High all-day rates in daycare centers, Germany's engineering hotbed & more

Know-how for digital manufacturing processes - Symate GmbH, Dresden (Source: Symate)


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