Future Mobility

Saxony has already shaped mobility in the past: left-hand drive in cars, the first locomotive built in Germany, the first civilian German jet aircraft... Today, Saxony is once again at the forefront when it comes to alternative drives, lightweight engineering and autonomous driving.

The second generation of the ID.3 has already been in production at the VW sites in Zwickau and Dresden since spring 2023. (Source: Volkswagen)

More Than 52,500 Potential Business Partners

Since 2004, the Saxony Trade & Invest Corporation (WFS - Wirtschaftsförderung Sachsen GmbH) has been operating an online company database. This database currently contains more than 52,500 entries which are maintained and updated by the companies. It is possible, for example, to search the data records for regions, branches, or turnovers.


Find the right partners for your business success.

Die Firmendatenbank Sachsen zeigt Suchergebnisse au einer Google Maps-Karte an. (Screenshot)

Our experts

Dr. André Günther

Dr. André Günther

Industry, Innovation & Marketing

+49-351-2138 242

+49-351-2138 242
Becher, Falk (Quelle: WFS)

Falk Becher

Investor Services

+49-351-2138 151

+49-351-2138 151

Thomas Krüger

Investor Services

+49-351-2138 234

+49-351-2138 234