Conditions of Participation and Terms of Payment for Events of the WFS

By registering, the following terms and conditions are accepted; this also applies to any special conditions that are made known to the contractual partner for certain events (e.g. participation in trade fairs). The conditions of participation also apply to events for which no fee is charged.

"WFS" = Saxony Trade & Invest Corporation (Wirtschaftsförderung Sachsen GmbH - WFS)

1. Registration

The registration for the participation in any and all events that are organized by the WFS and/or in any and all events that are organized by the WFS on behalf of any third parties (for example, joint trade show participations, simul+ project workshops) shall be made in writing, by telefax, email, or online via the WFS’s registration form (binding offer).

When registering online, clicking the “Make a binding registration” button shall constitute a binding registration for the respective event. For those events for which such online registration is not possible, a form shall be offered with which one may express her or his interest in participating in the respective event. Clicking the “Send” button shall not result in any binding registration.

The confirmation which is sent via automated email immediately after a binding registration has been made shall be deemed to acknowledge receipt of such registration and shall not constitute any acceptance of the contract on part of the WFS. The contract shall be deemed to have been accepted by the WFS – notwithstanding the registration medium that is used – if and when the WFS submits the confirmation of its acceptance in writing (by mail, fax, or email). Registrations shall be considered and processed in the order of their arrival.

2. Withdrawal and Termination

The WFS shall be entitled, for important reasons, to cancel an event; particularly if and when the minimum number of participants is not reached. Registration fees which have already been paid shall be refunded. The contracting party shall not be entitled to claim compensation for any other expenditures.

In addition, the WFS shall be entitled to extraordinary termination for important reasons without notice; in particular, if and when the contracting party is in default with any due payments by more than one month.

The WFS shall reserve the right to make alterations and/or modifications with regard to the employment of any instructors / speakers and with regard to the contents and/or schedule of an event. Any and all deviations in the implementation of an event shall neither constitute the right to rescind and/or withdraw from the contract nor the right to reduce the respective registration fee.

The right of termination for important reasons shall remain unaffected.

If and when any participant submits her or his rescission notice in writing, and if and when this rescission notice is received by the WFS no later than one week prior to the beginning of the respective event, then the WFS shall reserve the right to bill this participant with 50 % of the appropriate registration fee. For those events with several dates, the first of these dates shall constitute the beginning of the event. Any and all participants who rescind and/or withdraw from the contract after the aforementioned first date, or who do not show up at these events, shall be generally obligated to pay the full registration fee unless these participants register a replacement participant in due time prior to the beginning of the respective event.

A declaration of withdrawal by the participant must be sent to WFS in writing. In the case of fee-based events, the withdrawal period in accordance with the "Special Conditions of Participation" for the respective event must be observed. In the case of events with several dates, the first date shall be deemed to be the start of the event. Participants who withdraw after the withdrawal period has expired or who do not attend the events are generally obliged to pay a proportionate or full fee, unless a replacement participant is registered in due time prior to the beginning of the respective event. Additional information on the consumer's right of withdrawal can be found in the "Appendix on the right of withdrawal".

Appendix to the Right of Withdrawal

3. Terms of Payment

For any and all fee-based events, the registration fee – irrespective of any services rendered by any third parties – must be paid by the contracting party by no later than the date stated in the respective invoice and by indicating the appropriate invoice number. Any other payment methods – for example, deferred payments – shall be possible only if and when this has been agreed upon in writing.

Invoices will be sent by e-mail; therefore, when registering for chargeable events, a different e-mail address for incoming invoices may need to be provided.

4. Data Protection and Privacy

The requisite data of the contracting party and/or the contracting party’s representative shall be stored electronically and processed in automated form in line with the WFS’s Data Protection Declaration and Privacy Statement. The use of such data shall also include their forwarding, if need be, to any third parties that might have been entrusted with the implementation of the respective event on part of the WFS. There shall not be any forwarding of such data to any unauthorized third parties.

Confirmations of participation as well as, if applicable, any feedback forms may also be transmitted via unencrypted email. That is why it cannot be excluded that such emails might be read by any third parties.

To the Privacy Policy of the WFS

5. Liability

The event organizer shall be liable only for those damages which are based on any intentional and/or grossly negligent breach of obligations on part of the event organizer, on part of the event organizer’s legal representatives, and/or on part of the event organizer’s vicarious agents.

Notwithstanding the aforementioned provisions, liability for any and all damages to life, limb, and health, for the violation of any and all essential contractual duties as well as for any and all damages arising from the German Product Liability Act shall remain unaffected therefrom. Essential contractual duties are those duties which are essential for achieving the objective of the contract and whose performance the participant relies on and can usually rely on. If any essential contractual duties are violated, then the respective claim for damages shall be limited to typically foreseeable damages if and when these damages have not been caused by any willful misconduct and/or gross negligence; unless these claims for damages arise from any injuries to life, limb, and/or health.

6. Image and Film Recordings of the Event

As a participant of an event for which the WFS is responsible, the contracting party’s binding registration shall also constitute the contracting party’s consent to her or him being recorded on any personal images and, if applicable, on any films which are used and/or published by the WFS. Such recordings shall be used, in particular, for the documentation of the respective event and for reporting the WFS’s work in general.

Any objections to these image and/or film recordings may be directed in written form (for example, by postal letter, fax, email) prior to the beginning of the respective event to the following address:

Wirtschaftsförderung Sachsen GmbH (WFS) / Saxony Trade & Invest Corp.
Name of the WFS contact person for the specific event
Bertolt-Brecht-Allee 22
01309 Dresden, Germany

and/or to: by indicating the title of the respective event and the name of the WFS contact person for the specific event.

7. Copyright

Any and all documents associated with the event and / or any and all computer software used shall be protected by copyright law. Any copying and / or forwarding to any third parties shall be permitted only with the prior consent of the copyright holder.

8. Collateral Agreements

Any and all collateral agreements in conjunction with the contract shall only be valid and effective if made in writing.

9. Place of Performance

The place of performance for any and all mutual claims arising from this contract shall be Dresden, Germany.

10. Severability Clause

If and when any individual clauses of these Conditions of Participation and Terms of Payment prove to be invalid and / or ineffective, then the validity and effectiveness of the remaining clauses shall remain unaffected thereby.

Appendix to the Right of Withdrawal

  • Cancellation policy / right of withdrawal

You can revoke your contractual declaration in writing (e.g. letter, fax, e-mail) within 14 days without giving reasons. The period begins after receipt of this instruction in text form, but not before conclusion of the contract and also not before fulfillment of our information obligations in accordance with legal requirements. Timely dispatch of the revocation is sufficient to comply with the revocation period.

The revocation is to be sent to:

Wirtschaftsförderung Sachsen GmbH (WFS; Saxony Trade & Invest Corp.)
Name of the WFS contact person for the event
Bertolt-Brecht-Allee 22
01309 Dresden, Germany

or to, stating the title of the event and the name of the WFS contact person for the event.

  • Consequences of revocation

In the event of an effective revocation, the services received by both parties must be returned and any benefits derived (e.g. interest) surrendered. If you are unable to return or surrender to us the services received and benefits (e.g. benefits of use) or only partially or only in a deteriorated condition, you must compensate us for the value. This may mean that you must nevertheless fulfill the contractual payment obligations for the period up to the revocation. Obligations to reimburse payments must be fulfilled within 30 days. The period begins for you with the dispatch of the declaration of revocation, for us with its receipt.

  • Special notes

Your right of revocation expires prematurely if the contract has been completely fulfilled by both parties at your express request before you have exercised your right of revocation.

End of the cancellation policy

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