Flying “Greener” with Fuel from Leipzig
Making the dream of "greens" fly come true – this is the objective pursued by the Leipzig-based EDL Anlagenbau GmbH in its plans to produce a sustainable aviation fuel based on renewable power within the scope of its R&D project “HyKero.” Only green starting materials are used.

The climate-friendly aviation fuel meets international standards and could be used by the airlines right away without having to modify or adapt the existing refueling infrastructure or aircraft fleets. Thus, the Leipzig company’s HyKero-PtX technology provides a hands-on technical solution for decarbonization purposes in the aviation branch and for the reduction of CO2 emissions.
In the industrial zone Böhlen-Lippendorf south of Leipzig, EDL wants to set up the world’s first industrial power-to-X (PtX) factory and to produce both synthetic aviation fuel and green hydrogen at that location. The large-scale plant is designed in such a way that processes are interlinked and harmonized with one another and that the reuse of byproducts permits CO2-neutral operations. As of 2026, 50,000 tons of green kerosene are to be produced here every year. The HyKero project brings an investment of about 700 million euros into the region. It is part of the collaborative project “LHyVE” (Leipzig Hydrogen Value Chain for Europe) which is subsidized within the scope of the European hydrogen initiative IPCEI (Important Projects of Common European Interest).
EDL Anlagenbau GmbH, Leipzig