Here the (Organic) Chemistry is Right
Organic photovoltaics (OPV) is a future technology with great potential that will enable solar technology to be used more and more widely in the coming years. Dresden-based Heliatek GmbH is one of the technology leaders in OPV.

The company develops and produces industrial organic PV solar solutions for almost any building surface, whether horizontal, vertical, curved, rigid or flexible. The organic solar cells are based on a patented technology that makes it possible to absorb a very broad spectrum of sunlight with extremely thin, organic layers.
The solar film, marketed under the brand name HeliaFilm®, is ultra-light, approximately 1 mm thin, flexible and retains its efficiency even at high temperatures. Combined with a backing adhesive and a junction box, it becomes HeliaSol®. While HeliaFilm can be integrated into façade or roof system products, HeliaSol® is ideal as a ready-to-use solar solution for retrofitting existing buildings. Since 2014, the organic solar films have been successfully used in pilot installations in Germany, China, France, Belgium and Egypt, among others.
The solar films are produced at Heliatek using the efficient "roll-to-roll" process. Just one gram of organic raw material is required for one square meter of solar film. No toxic materials or heavy metals are used in the production process. After less than three months, the solar films already save the CO2 equivalent that is generated during their entire life cycle, from production to disposal.