Saxony's Precision Therapy Cluster
SaxoCell® will significantly improve regional networking in Saxony in the field of cell and gene therapy, integrate further partners and initiatives nationwide and close corresponding gaps in the value chains.

In this way, synergy potentials will be raised and realized. In addition, the cluster will massively increase the visibility of the activities of Saxony's and nationwide partners in the field of cell and gene therapy – both at the level of research and with regard to the R&D activities of industrial partners. Thus, access to funding will be facilitated and expanded for the players, and structures will be created to accelerate clinical implementation (network of clinical players and cooperation with regulatory authorities). Through these and other activities, SaxoCell® will thus significantly increase the attractiveness for investments of national and international companies in this industrial sector and contribute substantially to the development and further strengthening of an innovative cell and gene therapy industry in Saxony, Germany.