Games & Interactive Technologies

As part of both the software industry and the creative industries, the games / interactive technologies (APIT) sector is one of the fastest-growing fields and has great potential, particularly at the interface to the industrial branches and the education sector.

Games & Interactive Technologies (Source: Freepik)
Source: Freepik

Almost 200 players are already active along the entire gaming and APIT value chain. Based on strong competencies in the field of indie games, so-called serious or applied games are also increasingly being developed, i.e. games with an educational focus or for the further education and training of employees. Saxony’s specialists are also working on interactive technologies for use e. g. in the life sciences, automotive, automation and IT sectors - in the form of digital twins, smart home applications, virtual / augmented reality (VR / AR) solutions, and many more.

There is also an attractive university landscape with over 20 different gaming-specific degree programs in Zwickau, Mittweida, Chemnitz, Dresden and Leipzig. In Saxony's cities, creative professionals and start-ups are supported in numerous design hubs, maker spaces, coworking spaces and accelerators.

Visual SAXONY! at the gamescom (Source: Rodeoratio, Dresden)
Source: Rodeoratio, Dresden

SAXONY! at the gamescom 2024

For the first time, Saxony is presenting itself with a joint company booth at gamescom from August 21 to 23 in Cologne. At the world's largest trade fair for computer and video games, 19 exhibitors will be showcasing their expertise in the “business area” and promoting business location Saxony.

Games & Interactive Technologies Saxony

Watch a short animation to find out why Saxony as a high-tech location offers everything that ambitious developer studios and programmers need.

Networks / Accelerators

Strong Partners

The network partners in Saxony are working with great commitment to ensure that the predominantly small and medium-sized players in the field of Games & Applied Interactive Technologies (APIT) in Saxony can develop their creativity, meet the current challenges of the industry and also find their place in interaction with customers from various industrial and service sectors.


The network Games & XR Central Germany e.V. supports the development of games as pioneers in the use of virtual reality, augmented reality, mixed and extended reality and gamification as a work tool and production factor in industry, such as the automotive, healthcare and IT sectors, and in research. Its aim is to play an active role in shaping the structure of the Central German region (Saxony, Saxony-Anhalt and Thuringia) through networking and training opportunities, to transfer knowledge to other industries and to strengthen the economic and cultural significance of virtual technologies.


Games & XR Central Germany e. V.


The R42 Games Accelerator in Leipzig supports founders from the games industry. Within the 9-month program, the most important cornerstones for a sustainable future are laid through workshops, coaching and external mentoring. Part of the R42 Games Accelerator is a building in the heart of Leipzig's city center that is completely geared towards the games industry. In addition, R42 is intended to be a permanent contact point for young and established companies to promote inspiration, innovation and technology transfer.


R42 Games Accelerator

Your Contact Persons

Reith, Armin

Armin Reith

Industry, Innovation & Marketing

+49-351-2138 134

+49-351-2138 134
Rosenbaum, Frederico

Frederico Rosenbaum

Foreign Trade & Fairs

+49-351-2138 371

+49-351-2138 371

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