Focus on Health
The nucleus of Saxony's healthcare industry is the pharmaceutical industry. Medical technology, which accounts for around 70% of the industry, also has a strong tradition here. Saxony has strong expertise in areas such as cell/gene therapies, oncology and smart medical applications.

Facts About Life Sciences in Saxony (2022)
life sciences stakeholder -
of that 230
in the medical technology sector -
15,500 / 10,500
employees life sciences / medical technology -
stakeholders with 40,500 employees as suppliers / service providers
Life Sciences Networks
The life sciences networks in Saxony initiate projects between industry and research at various technology levels, provide services and know-how and support the further development of the industry as well as the presentation of regional expertise.
biosaxony is Saxony's association for biotechnology, medical technology and the healthcare industry. Its members include companies, scientific institutions as well as stakeholders and suppliers in the industry. The network is supplemented by representatives from the user side, such as clinics and health insurance companies. The network pools the strengths of all member companies and represents their interests in politics and in public.
HEALTHY SAXONY is the central communication platform for promoting cross-network cooperation in the healthcare industry in Saxony. The network supports the exchange between business, science and politics; establishes contacts at home and abroad; promotes the exchange of experience within the healthcare industry and paves the way for cooperation between Saxony's companies and medical care, research and education and training institutions.
SaxoCell - the precision therapy cluster in Saxony - aims to substantially improve regional networking in Saxony in the field of cell and gene therapy, integrate further partners and initiatives nationwide and close corresponding gaps in the value chains.
The Saxony-wide network health.textil has been established in 2017. The purpose of the network is to maintain a continuous dialog with the healthcare industry and initiate user-related projects to strengthen the competitiveness of medium-sized textile companies in the healthcare industry market.
Functional surfaces are used in various forms in applications and products in almost all industries, whether in mechanical engineering or in the life sciences / medical technology sector. As a cross-industry network, GRAVOmer e. V. has been linking Saxony's expertise of technology and material developers with the application potential of product manufacturers since 2020.
GRAVOmer e. V.
The alliance "DIANA - Technologies for Sustainable Point-of-Care Diagnostics" has set itself the goal of establishing a competence center for point-of-care diagnostics, particularly in the region of Central Saxony and Eastern Thuringia.
DIANA alliance
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Industry, Innovation & Marketing
+49-351-2138 133

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Investor Services
+49-351-2138 153

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Industry, Innovation & Marketing
+49-351-2138 138