Corporate Design SACHSEN! / SAXONY!
We developed this corporate design (CD) to give Saxony as a business location an expressive face.

General Information
The provisions of this manual are fully binding for our employees and service providers commissioned by us. Approval of the design by the Marketing department of the Saxony Trade & Invest Corp. ( Wirtschaftsförderung Sachsen GmbH - WFS) is required.
The use of this CD and the SACHSEN! / SAXONY! logo by Saxon companies and institutions as well as by partners from Germany and abroad is free of charge and expressly desired. The specifications regarding color, positioning, size and protective space of the logo should be adhered to. Changes to the logo are not permitted. The other provisions of this CD are to be regarded as recommendations. The WFS requests notification of use.
Further information and examples of use can be requested from the WFS marketing department.
WFS has the exclusive and unrestricted right to use all copyright-protected parts of the corporate design in accordance with Section 31 (3) of the German Copyright Act.
Minimum Requirements for the Use of the Umbrella Brands SACHSEN! / SAXONY!
- The logo is to be used exclusively in the green (colored) version.
- As a minimum, the so-called "box-only version" is used; all other versions can be used depending on the environment, space availability and positioning of the logo (top left or right in the format).
- The logo is available in a German and an English language version. Additional language versions of the logo are not permitted.
- The use of grayscale and black-and-white versions of the logo is only permitted in absolutely exceptional cases and after prior consultation with WFS (Marketing). WFS will provide the relevant logo files on request.
- Regardless of the logo version used, the logo must be placed at the top edge of the format (note the bleed!).
- The logo is surrounded by a protected area, which we recommend observing as shown.
- The minimum height of the logo (without honeycomb and slogan) is 10 mm.
- If the slogan is shown, its font size must be at least 6 pt.
- When using the full version of the logo (incl. honeycomb and slogan), the minimum size is 18 mm.
Design Language and Color Specifications for Our Publications
Formal specifications
- Following the rectangular shape of the SACHSEN! logo, all graphic elements within a publication should be rectangular in shape.
- A honeycomb shape derived from the full version of the logo is also permitted.
- Circles, triangles or other shapes are not to be used except in illustrations or graphic representations of statistical facts.
Color specifications
- The following applies to all publications: green is the dominant color.
- This applies to graphic elements - e.g. colored areas - as well as illustrations and figures with statistical data (diagrams) and maps. Exceptions are only permitted if an extended color spectrum is absolutely necessary for the presentation of statistical correlations.
- In combination with photos, care must be taken to ensure a harmonious overall color scheme.
For mass text in print media
- The Optima font in the Roman and Bold weights is used for mass text in all print media. FF DIN in the Light/Regular and Medium/Bold weights is recommended as a sans serif font alternative.
Markup font and for secondary texts in print media
- The Interstate font in the Light, Regular and Bold weights is used as a markup font in headings and subheadings as well as for image, table, graphic or diagram texts. The respective condensed weights can be used for narrow-column text or in tables, diagrams and statistical illustrations.
- The Arial font is used for business correspondence and formal customer communication. This specification applies to both digital (e.g. email) and analog media (e.g. letter post).
- Only non-serif fonts are used for the WFS website. The Open Sans font family is used for body text, while Helvetica (FF DIN Web) is used for headlines.

Primary Color and Secondary Colors
- The fresh basic color SACHSEN! green is derived from the state color of the Free State of Saxony. Green is the color of the SACHSEN! figurative mark and the primary color of all publications.
- If necessary, two secondary colors are added to create different color moods (e.g. industry- or country-related): orange as a lively, warm color and blue as a technical, cool color.
- Only one of the secondary colors may be used in addition to SACHSEN! green in any one medium.
- The quantity ratio shown illustrates that green is the dominant primary color. The secondary colors and the additional colors (see below) are each used for subordinate color design.

Additional Colors
- The additional colors are available to open up further possibilities for differentiating different subject areas in the graphic design.
- There is a warm color space (orange and red tones) and a cool color space (blue tones), which can be used to achieve different effects.
- Only one of the additional colors may be used per medium in addition to the SACHSEN! green.
Logo Kit
The logo SACHSEN! / SAXONY! logo is available for download in various versions and file types. If you have any questions and / or require other template files, please contact the contact persons listed below in our marketing area.