
The predominantly medium-sized supplier landscape in Saxony is a reliable partner to major aircraft manufacturers and is involved in major international projects such as the A350 program. Its core competencies are lightweight components, testing and sensor technology and aircraft conversion.

In the halls of the EFW – Elbe Flugzeugwerke GmbH (Source: EFW)


Facts About Aerospace Technology in Saxony (2022)

  • 160

    stakeholders (companies and R&D institutions)
  • > 7,000

  • 1,400 million €

    annual turnover
Logo Aerospace Technology Competence Centre Saxony / Thuringia e. V. (LRT)

Network Partners

Founded in 2001, the Aerospace Technology Competence Centre Saxony / Thuringia e. V. (LRT) aims to significantly advance the development of the aerospace industry in the region and to stabilize and strengthen expertise in this area. The industry association works together with German and international networks - including the German Aerospace Industries Association (BDLI) - and is a member of the international "European Aerospace Cluster Partnership" (EACP). The network offers its more than 40 members numerous opportunities for representation and exchange of experience, such as company visits, technology meetings, workshops, exhibitions and networking events.

Database Research

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Do you have any questions? Then contact our industry experts.

Dr. André Günther

Dr. André Günther

Industry, Innovation & Marketing

+49-351-2138 242

+49-351-2138 242

Thomas Krüger

Investor Services

+49-351-2138 234

+49-351-2138 234