Energetic Environmental Experts

The term "sustainability" was coined over 300 years ago by a mining captain in Saxony. Today, Saxony is one of the most innovative locations for energy / environmental technology. The main focus is on resource efficiency, H2 technologies, organic solar technology and smart grid.

New non-ferrous metal concentrates are produced from residues from the metal industry, spent catalysts from petrochemicals or Li-ion batteries from electromobility, for example. (Source: Nickelhütte Aue GmbH)


Facts About Energy / Environmental Technology in Saxony

  • 909

  • 15,400

  • 6,900 million €

    annual turnover


In Saxony, various networks are working in the field of environmental and energy technology to strengthen the competitiveness of Saxon companies through cooperation. This also involves the joint development of innovative solutions for sustainable environmental and energy technologies and their transfer into new products and services.


The Saxon Energy Agency - SAENA GmbH is a company of the Federal State of Saxony and Saxony's Development Bank (SAB - Sächsische Aufbaubank). SAENA was founded in 2007 with the aim of "integratively supporting the conservation of resources and the preservation of livelihoods for future generations through active climate protection and increasing energy efficiency as elements of public services." SAENA GmbH is the Saxony-wide contact point for all citizens, municipalities and companies in the field of energy and climate protection.


Saxon Energy Agency - SAENA GmbH


In Saxony's energy and environmental technology cluster ENERGY SAXONY, players from industry and science pool their expertise and cooperate to develop innovative solutions for securing a sustainable, resource- and climate-friendly energy supply, drive forward the heating and mobility transition and establish a green economy through circular economy approaches. In particular, the network pools expertise in zero-emission technologies and creates cross-industry and cross-national use cases for green hydrogen.




One of the largest geo-industry networks in Germany is the Geokompetenzzentrum Freiberg e. V. (GKZ) with more than 150 members from industry, science and administration with expertise in all aspects of the raw materials industry. The spectrum ranges from securing raw materials to site development, environmental engineering, geobiotechnology and geotechnics through to resource management.


Geocompetence Center Freiberg (GKZ)


The Innovation und Kreislaufwirtschaft Sachsen regd. assn. (IKS), based in Freiberg, was founded in 2000 to develop practical and implementable solutions for the circular economy. Its members are active in the fields of waste and recycling management, engineering, environmental protection and economics. The aim of IKS is to ensure that waste management develops into a resource economy.


Innovation and Recycling Management Saxony (IKS)


As a non-profit association, VEE Saxony - Association for the Promotion of Renewable Energy is committed to promoting renewable energies in Saxony. It represents the entire spectrum of solar and bioenergy, wind and hydropower through to geothermal energy.


VEE Saxony


The partners from business and research in the "Hydrogen Land Saxony" innovation cluster are committed to the ramp-up of the hydrogen economy and fuel cell industry in Saxony. Under this name, they are continuing the activities of the "HZwo – Drive for Saxony" cluster founded in 2017 as Saxony's competence center for hydrogen and fuel cells. More than 100 companies and research institutions are working across the energy, industry and mobility sectors on the topic of green hydrogen and fuel cells.



Competence Atlas "Energy Innovations"

The Competence Atlas "Energy Innovations from Saxony" provides a comprehensive overview of Saxony's production, research and development activities in the field of energy technologies with around 200 profiles. A map presents selected players in Saxony and regional priorities.

Competence Atlas "Energy Innovations from Saxony" as ePaper

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Alexandra Gering (Source: WFS)

Alexandra Gering

Investor Services

+49-351-2138 240

+49-351-2138 240
2024, Matthieu Warzecha, Mitarbeiter, Portrait, Sachsen, Wirtschaftsförderung
© BLEND3 Frank Grätz

Matthieu Warzecha

Industry, Innovation & Marketing

+49-351-2138 243

+49-351-2138 243