For a Sustainable Agriculture

Agricultural engineering has a tradition of over 160 years in Saxony. The predominantly medium-sized companies are valued partners in fields of innovation such as autonomous machinery, electrification and lightweight construction in agricultural engineering and precision farming.

Field swarm project - development of autonomous working machines (Source: Dresden University of Technology, Professorships TD and AST)

The Future of Agriculture

The federally funded research project "Field Swarm Ecosystem" is currently one of the most important key projects in agricultural engineering in the field of robotics and automation.

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Industry Networks & Clusters

A recipe for success for the agricultural technology sector in Saxony is the close cooperation between scientists at Saxon universities and institutes with agricultural users and technology producers. Networking is supported by various partners.


The purpose of the association is to promote science and research for a sustainable bioeconomy, in particular with the aim of initiating research involving small and medium-sized enterprises, qualifying young scientists and specialists in innovative fields and organizing the exchange of scientific research results.


Agronym e. V.


simul⁺ is a network and platform supported by the Saxony State Ministry for Regional Development (SMR). simul⁺ networks regional players and supports innovative projects that improve future prospects and quality of life locally in all parts of Saxony. The aim is to stimulate growth and accelerate structural change through modernization and the development of new areas of innovation.


simul⁺Innovation Hub

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Do you have any questions? Then contact our industry experts.

Scholta Dr., Claudia

Dr. Claudia Scholta

Industry, Innovation & Marketing

+49-351-2138 136

+49-351-2138 136

Thomas Krüger

Investor Services

+49-351-2138 234

+49-351-2138 234