Strong Industries

... form the backbone of Saxony as a business location. Whether mechanical engineering, the railroad industry, the healthcare sector or "Autoland Saxony" and "Silicon Saxony" - smart ideas and intelligent solutions have given rise to powerful industries.

Volkswagen Sachsen, door installation by robot (Source: Volkswagen)


Facts About Saxony's Industry (2023)

  • 85,900 million €

    total turnover of Saxony's industry
  • 33,000 million €

    export turnover (industry)
  • 38.4 %

    export quota (industry)
Graphic: Share of the most important sectors in the turnover of Saxony's industry in 2023 (Source: Statistical Office of the Federal State of Saxony)

Share of Key Sectors in Saxony's Industry Turnover (2023)

The most important industrial sector in Saxony, with a 28.6% share of turnover, is the automotive industry. This is followed by the electrical engineering / microelectronics and metal production sectors with 14.6% and 12.9% respectively, as well as mechanical engineering with 10.6% of Saxony's industrial turnover.

Graphic: Share of the most important sectors in the export turnover of Saxony's industry in 2023 (Source: Statistical Office of the Federal State of Saxony)

Share of Key Sectors in Saxony's Export Turnover (2023)

With a 39.7% share of foreign sales, automotive industry products are Saxony's most important export products. As in previous years, the four economic sectors of automotive, mechanical engineering, electrical engineering and metal production / processing generate almost three quarters of industry's foreign sales.

More Than 52,500 Potential Business Partners

Since 2004, the Saxony Trade & Invest Corporation (WFS - Wirtschaftsförderung Sachsen GmbH) has been operating an online company database. This database currently contains more than 52,500 entries which are maintained and updated by the companies. It is possible, for example, to search the data records for regions, branches, or turnovers.


Find the right partners for your business success.

Die Firmendatenbank Sachsen zeigt Suchergebnisse au einer Google Maps-Karte an. (Screenshot)


Lienig Dr., Uwe

Dr. Uwe Lienig

Industry, Innovation & Marketing

+49-351-2138 201

+49-351-2138 201
Lippert, Andreas

Andreas Lippert

Investor Services

+49-351-2138 211

+49-351-2138 211